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When we design the website, we need to use css and html together. html, css and javascript are the most important languages for those who are trying to get in front-end web development field. The following is the very basic sample of html and css.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>T N W</title>
<style type="text/css">
p{color:red; background:black; width: 200 px;}
<p>Hello, This is HTML Testing!</p>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>TNW (Web Service & ICT Solutions)</title>
<p><a href = "">Computer Service</a></p>
<p><a href = "">Networking Service</a></p>
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2. Adobe Acrobat Pro
There are so many features in Adobe Acrobat Pro such as editing pdf, combining pdf files, converting pdf files into (word, excel, power point) files, converting any printable documents into pdf file and adding signature, etc., . But it is not freeware. You can use it as free trial. You have to pay license fee after free trial period if you will continue to use. You can uninstall it if you don't want to use it anymore. If you want to download it, please click here.
Chapter 1: Introduction to JavaScript
- What is JavaScript
- History of JavaScript
- Start writing JS Codes
- JavaScript Outputs
- JavaScript Syntax
- Basic Rules
- Accessing Elements
- Dot Notation
- Square Bracket Notation
- JS Statements
- JS Objects
- JS Methods
- JS Properties
Chapter 2: Varialbes, Arrays and Operators
- JS Variables
- Variable Naming
- JS Constant
- Arrays
- Array Properties
- Array Methods
- JS Operators
- Working with Operators
Chapter 3: JS Functions
- Function Definitions
- Function Parameters
- Function Invocation
- Function Call
- Function Apply
- Function Closures
Chapter 4: JS Objects
- Object hierarchy
- Assigning properties to an object
- Using methods to manipulate objects
- Creating a new custom object
- Window object
- Document object
- String object
- Arrays
- Date object
- Math object
- Image object
Chapter 5: Conditionals and Loops
- Conditionals
- if_else if_else conditions
- Switch / Case
- Loops
- while loop
- do while loop
- for...of loop
- loop
- break and continue
- Array: forEach()
Chapter 6: Event Handlers and Listeners
- On-Event Handlers
- The getElementById() Method
- The addEventListener() Method
- Capturing Key Events
- Benefits of Event Listeners
- Timers
Chapter 7: JS HTML DOM
- DOM Intro
- DOM Methods
- DOM Document
- DOM Elements
- DOM Animations
- DOM Events
- DOM Event Listener
- DOM Navigation
- DOM Nodes
- DOM Collections
- DOM Node List
Chapter 8: JS Browser BOM
- JS Window
- JS Screen
- JS Location
- JS History
- JS Navigator
- JS Popup Alert
- JS Timing
- JS Cookies
Chapter 9: Basic JS AJAX
- AJAX Intro
- AJAX Request
- AJAX Response
- AJAX Database
- AJAX Applications
Chapter 10: JS Web APIs
- Introduction to Web API
- Web History API
- Web Storage API
- Web Worker API
- Web Fetch API
- Web Geolocation API
Chapter 1: Introduction to CSS
- CSS Rules
- Where to put your styles
- Explaining Selectors (Grouping & Type)
- Inline and Embedded styles
- CSS and Fonts
- Font colors
- Font sizes
- Styling Fonts
Chapter 2: Selectors
- Selector Basics
- Tag Selectors
- Class Selector
- ID Selectors
- Group Selector
- Descendant Selector
- Universal Selector
Chapter 3: Advanced Selectors
- Pseudo-Classes and Pseudo-Elements
- Pseudo-Classes for Links
- Direct Child Selectors
- Next Sibling Selector
- Pseudo-Elements
Chapter 4: Font Formatting
- Font Formatting Basic
- Font-Size
- Font-Color
- Font Combinations
- Font-Stye
- Font-Weight
- Text-Transform
- Text-Decoration
- Font-Variant
- Font Shorthand
- Font-Family
Chapter 5: Text Display Control
- Text Display Baiscs
- Text-Align
- Text-Index
- Adding Color to Text
- Line-Height
- Letter-Spacing
- Word-Spacing
- White Space Proterty
Chapter 6: Page Background
- Background Basic
- Background-Color
- Background-Image
- Background-Repeat
- Background-Position
- Background-Attachment
- Background-Shorthand
Chapter 7: CSS Box Model
- Box Model Basic
- Margin
- Margin Collapsing
- Margin for Horizontal Alignment
- Border
- Padding
- Height and Width
- Min and Max Dimensions
- Overflow Property
Chapter 8: Float
- Float Basic
- Float Property
- Clear Property
- Vertycally Aligning Content
Chapter 9: Positioning
- Positioning Basic
- Relative Positioning
- Absolute Positioning
- Fixed Positioning
- Z-Index
Chapter 10: Styling Lists
- List Styling Basics
- List Tags
- List-Style-Type Property
- List-Style-Image Property
- List-Style-Position Property
- List-Style Shorthand Property
Chapter 11: Styling Tables
- Table Styling Basics
- Table Elements
- Captions
- Columns
- Table Layout
- Borders Collapsing
- Border Spacing
Chapter 12: CSS Animations
- @keyfrmaes
- animation-name
- animation-duration
- animation-delay
- animation-iteration-count
- animation-direction
- animation-timing function
- animation-fill-mode
- animation
Chapter 13: CSS Multiple Columns
- column-count
- column-gap
- column-rule-style
- column-rule-width
- column-rule-color
- column-rule
- column-span
- column-width
Chapter 1: Introduction to HTML
- What is HTML?
- HTML Development Environments
- Using Editors
- Simple HTML Document
- Publishing Documents
Chapter 2: HTML Elements
- Rules of Syntax
- Making your Code Readable
- Making your Code XHTML Compliant
- Building a Document
- Using Colors
- Adding Color to your Page
- Using Headings
- Using Paragraphs
- Using Blockquotes
- Using Entities
- Aligning Block-Level Elements
Chapter 3: Inserting Spaces and Line Breaks
- Displaying Performatted Text
- Formatting with Inine Elements
- Controlling Fonts
- Introducing List Elements
- Creating Unordered Lists
- Creating Ordered Lists
- Creating Definition Lists
- Nesting Lists
- Indenting Text with the <ul> Tag
Chapter 4: HTML Table
- Building a Table
- Using the Border Attribute
- Cell Padding and Cell Spacing
- Controlling a Table and Cell Width
- Aligning a Table on the Page
- Aligning Tables and Text
- Aligning Table Data
- Spanning Columns and Rows
- Nesting Tables
- Adding Color to Tables
- Using Tables as a Design Tool
Chapter 5: HTML Links
- Understanding and Using URLs
- Linking to a Web Document
- Linking to a Local Document
- Linking to Anchors
- Opening a New Browser Window
- Creating a Frameset
- Adding the Frame Elements
- Creating the Frames
- Using the Noframes Elements
- Using Inline Frames
Chapter 6: Graphic File Formats
- Optimizing Image and File Size
- Inserting Inline Images
- Aligning and Formatting Images
- Using Images to Anchor Links
- Adding images to the Page
- Sizing and Scaling Images
Chapter 7: HTML Forms
- HTML Forms
- HTML Form Attributes
- HTML Form Elements
- HTML Input Types
- HTML Input Attributes
- HTML Input Form Attributes
Chapter 8: HTML Media
- HTML Media
- HTML Video
- HTML Audio
- HTML Plug-ins
- HTML YouTube
Chapter 9: HTML APIS
- HTML Geolocation
- HTML Drag/Drop
- HTML Web Storage
- HTML Web Workers
Restoro is one of the best software to securely and safely repair any PC. It can remove Malware Threat, detect dangerous websites and replace damaged windows files. We can use it as trial version.
Advanced system care is really nice software to clean up your computer. By using it, you can fix the computer errors such as Privacy traces, Junk files, Invalid shortcuts, Registry entries, etc.,. There are two versions in it. One is free version and one is pro version. You can use the free version as a freeware for lifetime. And it is easy to use. This software is one of the best software you should have installed in your computer to clean up yours.
You can also download Advanced system care from
It is a really cool software. There are so many features we can use in it to make computer run faster.
1. Health Check
We can check our computer health by using Health Check. If there are some issues, we can resolve those.
2. Custom Clean
We can use this feature to clean up such as Internet cache, Internet histories, Cookies, etc., in the Browsers. It also cleans up some applications such as multimedia.
3. Registry
We can use this feature to repair registry errors.
4. Tools
We can use this feature to uninstall software, to update software, to manage Startup program, etc., . But, some tools are only for Pro versions.If you don't want to clean your computer manually, you should have installed this software in your computer. There are three versions in CCleaner. One is Free version and others are Pro and Pro Bundle versions. It is really nice to use although there are some limitations in free version. If you want to download free version, please click here.
You can also get different versions of CCleaner from But I don't know those are free versions or licensed versions.
Registry Reviver is a cool software. We can use it to repair, optimize and maintain registry. And we can disable or enable the Startup programs and the services by using Startup Manager under Utilities. You should use Registry Reviver if you think your computer is running slow because of registry errors. Registry Reviver is not a freeware. But, we can use it as free version. It is really nice to use although there are some limitations in free version. If you want to download it, please click here.
You can also download different versions of Registry Reviver from But I don't know those are free versions or licensed versions.