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ZilaStar ICT Nov 26 2024, 16:13:26

How to add email accounts into outlook (for my customers only)

I've made this video for those who are taking business email service from me. I hope this video will help you in adding the business email accounts into the outlook.

To change email password.

To download sample outlook file

Thank you so much.

ZilaStar ICT Jul 10 2023, 16:31:01

Website for JM Unity Company Limited

I've recently developed a website for JM Unity Com., Ltd. As a  business website, there are some functions in that website such as admin registration, admin login, create post, create class, student registration, student list, etc. I've also made a video for JM Unity to show how the website works. You can see it in the following video

ZilaStar ICT Jun 30 2023, 21:26:51

Web service extension with Amog Tech Company Limited

Amog Tech Com., Ltd. makes next one year extension of web service with TNW(Web Service & ICT Solutions) for their company emails and website. It has already been seven years I've been providing Web service to Amog Tech.

I wanna say "Thank you so much" to Amog Tech Com., Ltd.

ZilaStar ICT Jun 07 2023, 15:35:47

Web Service Extension for April Zaw Min Compamy Limited

Today, April Zaw Min company makes next one year extension with TNW(Web Service & ICT Solutions) for their company website.

April Zaw Min company is one of reliable foreign agencies in Myanmar.

For more details, please click here.

ZilaStar ICT Apr 07 2023, 19:52:27

Web service extension for corechoicegroup company limited

Core Choice Group makes next one year extension of Web service with TNW (Web Service & ICT Solutions) for their company Website and Business Emails.

It has already been five years that TNW has been providing Web service for Core Choice Group.

Thank you so much.

ZilaStar ICT Aug 25 2022, 09:53:29

How to sell IT materials in

I've developed a web application called 'Trade'  for those who wanna sell their IT materials on the online and for those who are looking for IT materials at Online. I've made the video for those who wanna sell their IT Materials in You can look at it in the following video.

ZilaStar ICT Aug 04 2022, 17:24:26

Business Email Service Extension for Knowledge Villa

Today Knowledge Villa Com., Ltd. makes next one year extension of Business Email Service with TNW(Web Service & ICT Solutions) for their company emails.

ZilaStar ICT Aug 02 2022, 16:38:29

Web Service Extension for Amog Tech Com., Ltd.

Today Amog Tech Com., Ltd. makes next one year extension of Web Service with TNW(Web Service & ICT Solutions) for their company website and emails. It has already been five years I have been providing Web Service to Amog Tech Com., Ltd. I would like to say "Thank you so much" to Amog Tech Com., Ltd.

May Their Business Be Successful More Than Now.

AMOG Tech Co., Ltd. was organized and managed by a qualified group who have working experiences for Engineering, Procurement and Construction Projects in the Southeast Asia region. We are an MEP Contractor and also supply Electrical, Instrumentation & Automation Products for a commercial & industrial building in Myanmar.To read more about Amog Tech Com., Ltd.

ZilaStar ICT May 08 2022, 06:41:53

Website development for April Zaw Min Com., Ltd.

Yesterday I've successfully developed a website for April Zaw Min Com., Ltd. I want to say "Thank you so much" to April Zaw Min Com., Ltd. May their business be successful more than now!

April Zaw Min Com., Ltd is a reliable foreign agency. If you want to know more details, please visit their website (

ZilaStar ICT Nov 2 2019, 17:43:32

Android application for Shop

By installing this android application (Shop) in your android phone, you can easily sell or buy your IT materials. And you can also search the solutions related with your ict problems in the website ( whenever you face the ict problems. And you can also discuss in the chat room. If you want to download the application, please click here.

ZilaStar ICT Oct 25 2019, 17:21:39

Web service extension for

Today, Myanmar Astrologer U Myat Htut Khaung makes his personnel website extension with TNW (Web Service & ICT Solutions) for another one year.

ZilaStar ICT Oct 21 2019, 21:24:00

Automotion Company Office Network

Today, I set up and configure one router, one access point, one Epson printer (network), one Canon printer (network) and one finger print (network) for the office of Automotion Company.

ZilaStar ICT Jun 26 2019, 17:49:43

April Zaw Min Com., Ltd

TNW provides web development service and business email service for April Zaw Min Com., Ltd.

April Zaw Min Company Limited was organized and established since September 2017 and located at No.1214, Min Ye Kyaw Swar Road, North Dagon (Myothid), Yangon, Myanmar. April Zaw Min Company Limited has been registered at Ministry of Labour and has been recruiting under License No. 071/2019.

ZilaStar ICT Jun 26 2019, 16:27:17

Services extension for Amog Tech Com Ltd.

Amog Tech Co., Ltd makes next two years extension with TNW (Web Service & ICT Solutions) for their company Web Service and Business Email Service. I want to say "Thank You So Much" for their extension with TNW(Web Service & ICT Solutions).

ZilaStar ICT Jun 26 2019, 06:45:26

Core Choice Group Com Ltd.

I provide Web Development Service and Business Email Service for Core Choice Group Company Ltd. I want to say "Thank You" for their confidence in TNW (Web Service & ICT Solutions).

Core Choice Group Company Ltd is doing business about Recruitment, HR Consulting, Printing Service, Screen Printing Ink, Corporate Gift, Promotion Items and HR Outsourcing. Please click here to enter their website.

ZilaStar ICT Apr 05 2019, 14:40:36

IT Career

Some of the young people ask me about IT careers. They don't know how to start to enter IT field although they are interested in IT so much. This post is designated for those young people.

ZilaStar ICT Nov 26 2018, 11:12:14

Android Application Development

I've recently developed an android application (mhk.apk) for the website (


ZilaStar ICT Nov 25 2018, 11:10:12

Windows Application Development

One of my friends requested me to develop windows application for income and expense of an organization. So I've developed this CashInCashout windows application.


ZilaStar ICT Jun 11 2018, 15:38:40

Contact Me

Thet Naing Win

Email :      [email protected]

Phone :     +959421065399

Viber :        +959421065399

ZilaStar ICT Jun 11 2018, 15:34:04


1. The main ambition of ZilaStar is to provide the best IT solutions to the customers by the reasonable prices.

2. The second ambition of ZilaStar is to share IT knowledge to brothers and sisters who are learning about IT. So, I would like to invite to those who wanna share IT knowledge.

3. The third ambition of ZilaStar is to provide the valuable knowledge to the customers, blog readers and website visitors.

4. I hope this website will be benefit for those who wanna get the best IT solutions, for those who are learning about IT, for those who wanna share IT Knowledge, for those who wanna get valuable knowledge, and for those who wanna advertise the products.

ZilaStar ICT Jun 11 2018, 15:20:16

About Me

I am Thet Naing Win. I've passed matriculation exam with two distinctions (Chemistry & Physics) in July, 2003. And then I went to Computer University in December, 2003. I've finished my studies from Computer University in 2006. I've achieved B.C.Sc (Bachelor of Computer Science) degree in February, 2007. And then, I went to Singapore to work in June, 2007. And I also studied in Singapore Polytechnic while I am working. I've achieved S C N (Specialist Diploma in Computer Networking) from Singapore Polytechnic, Singapore in 2011. In this way, I was in IT field since 2007. I worked in many companies as a both of full-time worker and freelancer. I hope I can provide the best ICT solutions to your businesses. So I've established TNW / ZilaStar (Web Service & ICT Solutions) with the purpose to be able to provide those who require the best ICT Solutions for their business.

My Personnel Information is as following:

Date of Birth : 20.03.1987

National ID : 9/MTLA(N) 247939

Passport :  ME669369 (Current), MA525447 (New) , 976090 (Old)

B.C.Sc Graduate Registration No. : 8808 (UCSM)

S C N Graduate Registration No. : 1055788 (Singapore Polytechnic)

Contact No: +959421065399


 Thet Naing Win


ZilaStar ICT Jun 8 2018, 20:34:01

Terms and Conditions

ZilaStar provides the best ICT Solutions for your business by the following terms and conditions.

Computer Service

ZilaStar will give warranty 1 to 3 years for new laptops or desktops set up by ZilaStar. But ZilaStar will not give any warranty for old or used computers. If you want to know details about computer service, please click here.


Networking Service and System Integration

ZilaStar will make contract with the customers based on the conditions and requirements of customers' businesses. If you want to know details about networking service, please click here.


Web Service and Business Email Service

ZilaStar provides the best Web Service and Business Email Service for your business by the minimum down time even in the very bad conditions such as Natural Disaster and Epidemic. 

If you want to migrate your Website or Email Service from ZilaStar (Web Service & ICT Solutions) to another service provider, you can back up all of your data. You will get back your domain control. But, you will not get any web design and codes developed by ZilaStar (Web Service & ICT Solutions). You better do at least two weeks before expired date whether you extend with ZilaStar or migrate from ZilaStar so that your website or email does not stop working.

If you want to know how ZilaStar provides Web Service for your business, please click here.

If you want to know how ZilaStar provides Business Email Service for your business, please click here.

Trade Service

I've developed Trade Function so that everybody can easily sell their materials at online. No need to pay any charges to sell the materials. But, illegal things are not allowed to sell in this website. Illegal posts are not allowed to create in this website. Website admin has the full right to delete the illegal posts and inappropriate posts.
Thank you so much.

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